You already know about all of the negative effects that smoking can have on your body, but did you know that it can have an impact on those around you? Secondhand smoke can have dangerous side effects – especially for younger children. In fact, secondhand smoke may increase children’s risk of developing obstructive sleep apnea. This sleep disorder can prevent them from getting the quality of sleep they need to thrive. Read on to learn more about obstructive sleep apnea and how secondhand smoke plays a role.
How Does Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA) Work?
If your child has obstructive sleep apnea, this means that they stop breathing multiple times throughout the night because their airway becomes blocked. This causes a drop in oxygen levels which can be harmful. When breathing is interrupted, they wake up so they can get the breath of air they need. When this happens frequently, they won’t be able to get the quality sleep they need.
How Does Secondhand Smoke Affect Sleep Apnea?
Sleep apnea isn’t very common in children. It only affects about 2-3% of kids. However, according to a study published by the International Journal of Pediatric Otorhinolaryngology, the odds of children between the ages of 3 and 18 developing sleep apnea became much higher if they were also exposed to secondhand smoke. It is unknown exactly why this is the case, but the correlation is there.
How Can I Tell If My Child Has Sleep Apnea?
The only way to know for sure if your child has sleep apnea is for them to undergo a sleep study. For this test, a special device is used to monitor their vital signs while they sleep. This way, their condition can be narrowed down, and a diagnosis can be made. However, even if your child hasn’t been diagnosed, there are some signs you can be on the lookout for. You may want to consider taking your child to see a sleep dentist if they have the following symptoms:
- Snoring, often with pauses, snorts, or gasps between breaths
- Heavy breathing while asleep
- Restless sleep
- Bedwetting (especially for children who were previously dry at night)
- Daytime sleepiness
- Behavioral problems
- Difficulty focusing
If you notice these symptoms in your child, sleep apnea could be the culprit, so it’s a good idea to get them checked out. By eliminating secondhand smoke at home and exploring other solutions, your children can get the quality sleep they need to thrive.
About the Practice
At Star Sleep & Wellness in Dallas, we have a team that consists of a Sleep Dentist, Sleep Physicians, Nurse Practitioners, and a Licensed Psychologist. It is our goal to help our patients achieve the quality, uninterrupted sleep they deserve. To learn more about obstructive sleep apnea or to schedule an appointment, visit our website or call (469) 331-5505.