Snoring Treatment – Dallas, TX

Stopping Sleep Disruption

Man sleeping with mouth open before snoring treatment in Dallas

Snoring is a common problem that many people face. Statistics show that an estimated 44% of men between the ages of 30 and 60 and 28% of women snore. There is a common misconception that snoring and sleep apnea go hand-in-hand in all cases, but this is not true. Snoring alone is not deemed a serious problem, but it can be an indicator that sleep apnea exists. This can only be determined by calling our office and scheduling an appointment with a member of our team at Star Sleep & Wellness in Dallas. We can then review your symptoms, conclude if sleep apnea is the root of your problem, and put together a custom plan for snoring treatment in Dallas.

Why Do I Snore?

Side profile of sleeping man with illustration of blocked airway

Snoring occurs when the soft palate or tongue becomes relaxed while asleep. As air tries to pass through, it causes a vibration that can be loud or subtle. It can also cause you to sound as if you are choking or whistling. Whether you live alone or with someone else, learning whether or not you snore is important, as it can serve as an indicator for more serious sleep problems should you exhibit additional symptoms.

Risk Factors for Snoring

Woman in bed covering ears with pillow next to snoring man

There are several reasons you might snore, many of which should not cause alarm. Sinus congestion can create a slight blockage, resulting in loud snoring in Dallas. But there are certain risk factors associated with this condition that should be evaluated. These include:

  • The development of nasal polyps in the nose
  • An enlarged tongue
  • A deviated septum
  • Enlarged tonsils or adenoids
  • Excessive alcohol consumption
  • Being overweight
  • Smoking

Symptoms of Chronic Snoring

Woman in bed glaring at snoring man next to her

One of the most prominent problems associated with snoring is the loud noise it makes that can disrupt your sleep. If you live with others, you may snore loudly, causing them to experience fatigue as well.

Seeing a sleep specialist in Dallas to discuss your snoring will include a thorough evaluation that looks at the various symptoms you exhibit, which can include:

  • Frequent headaches
  • Sore throat
  • Mouth breathing
  • Choking on air throughout the night
  • Chronic, daytime fatigue

If I Snore, Do I Have Sleep Apnea?

Smiling businessman sitting at desk

The assumption that snoring means you have sleep apnea is a common one, but it is not true. Snoring may be an indicator of sleep apnea, but it is not the only one. Individuals who are considered habitual snorers are more likely to suffer from sleep apnea and exhibit signs of chronic fatigue, gasping for air while asleep, difficulty concentrating, high blood pressure, and even depression.

Our team at Star Sleep & Wellness in Dallas will help to identify the root problem of your snoring and provide a comprehensive snoring treatment plan to help address it.

Treatment Options for Snoring

C P A P mask for snoring treatment

There are many treatment options that our team can recommend to minimize the effects of your snoring. Lifestyle changes are often some of the most effective, as exercise and healthy eating can help you lose weight and improve heart health. Finding cessation resources to quit smoking and limiting alcohol consumption are also positive ways to decrease snoring.

If you struggle with nasal congestion throughout the year, treating the issue before it becomes severe will help to reduce your chances of developing a blocked airway and waking yourself or others with your snoring.

Apart from lifestyle changes, Dr. Smith, Dr. Stevenson, and Katie Collier will work together to develop a plan that addresses the underlying cause of your snoring. Because stress, mental health problems, and weight gain can be attributing factors to snoring, they can work with you to improve these areas of your life. Dr. Stevenson may also suggest a sleep study if it is suspected that you have sleep apnea. If you are formally diagnosed with obstructive sleep apnea, we will recommend oral appliance therapy to ensure your airway remains open while sleeping.